中之条ビエンナーレ 2023/ NAKANOJO BIENNALE 2023
中之条町、群馬県吾妻郡 Nakanojo Gunma
DamaDamTal + Elitsa Ganeva
『Привързани към съня ゆめうつつをぬかす』
'Dream and Redeem'
installation, performance(9'21") 2023
editor, videographer:Kenichi Okayasu
DamaDamTal + Elitsa Ganeva
『Привързани към съня ゆめうつつをぬかす』
'Dream and Redeem'
Oceans separate us, but dreams germinate in the waves – their new invisible roots make paths where what I saw when dream-ing travels to your eyes.
The video installation recreates an actual dream of someone who receives a box with a letter, coming all the way from Japan.
The photograph in the box is the start of a conversation. The letter from the dream provoked an artistic exchange between artists separated by hours, lands and oceans. Yet the dream drew a bridge with its invisible roots. What follows is the visual language of a dream that is learning how to walk and resonate among us.
exhibition location : Isama Studio Gymnasium
direction of this work : DamaDamTal
Pink creature, photo collage, video(1) : Elitsa Ganeva
stage props, objects, poster painting, sounds, video(2) : DamaDamTal

Photo 1-3 : Ken Okada / 4-6 : Kenichi Okayasu / 7-9 : Taichi Seki
Extra performance
DamaDamTal “Short Short Show”
パフォーマー: DamaDamTal、新村隆慶 / takanori niimura
editor and videographer : Kenichi Okayasu
みきたまき演出による、中之条ビエンナーレ2023 公式オープニング・クロージング パフォーマンス
Official opening and closing performance of Nakanojo Biennale 2023, directed by MIKITAMAKI.
NAKANOJO BIENNALE2023 オープニング映像「Cosmographia」
NAKANOJO BIENNALE 2023 Opening performance 'Cosmographia'
NAKANOJO BIENNALE2023 クロージング映像「獅子も時計回りに踊る」
NAKANOJO BIENNALE 2023 Closing performance 'Lion also dances clockwise'
パフォーマー: いくらまりえ、ダニエル・ヘイズ東京、DamaDamTal、 野口桃江、 Lily
歌唱:マンハッタンスリム、オープニング映像 字幕翻訳:Karl Mather、協力・出演:中之条町のみなさん
Performer: Marie Ikura, Daniel Heys Tokyo, DamaDamTal, Momoko Noguchi, Lily
Singer:Manhattan Slim, Caption translation:Karl Mather, Special Performance:People of Nakanojo Town
撮影・編集:岡安賢一 / 演出:みきたまき
editor and videographer : Kenichi Okayasu / director :MIKITAMAKI