The flyer was turned to stone.

Since 2020, events have been cancelled or postponed due to the pandemic.
Some were cancelled or postponed after the flyers were printed, even if they were able to hold the event, if they were not able to meet with people or go out, the flyers would have nowhere to go and would be left over. For various reasons, a large number of flyers for exhibitions and performances remained in closets, unable to be distributed. This stone is a transformed version of such a flyers.
A flyer that should be thrown away becomes a stone that someone can look at, play with, and think about. Moreover, it may be a small fantasy, earning the right to be in someone else's hands again. And if a stone is a deposit of time, then this may already be a stone in its own right.
チラシを石に変えるプロジェクト 2022年~現在
Project to turn flyer to stone 2022 - present