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さいたま国際芸術祭 2023 Sightama Arts Center Project 2023*

Saitama Triennale 2023 Sightama Arts Center Project 2023*


Omiya Station East Exit area  Saitama

coordinator:Shunya Asami


夜も昼もない物語 / Tales without night and day


installation, performance
大西屋酒店、串八丁、 炭火串焼台所 ちっきん 大宮店、むーんしゃいん、居酒屋HEBEREKE

Onishiya liquor shop,  Kushi-hacho, Chikkin Omiya, Moonshine, HEBEREKE


居酒屋が並ぶ大宮の商店街に現れる緞帳は、舞台と客席 の境界、ハレとケ の境界、昼の街と夜の街の境界。街の中で可視化された境界は呼びかける。「さあ、いらっしゃい、幕はすでに開いております。」緞帳はその役目を主張しながら、3年に一度の祭りの非日常と大宮の日常との境界をやがてゆっくりと消し去っていく。


居酒屋に設置した赤いカーテンと、店内のQRコードからアクセスできるショートムービーで構成。映像は各店舗の店主へのインタビューとパフォーマンスが交錯する、DamaDamTal 流のリサーチ作品となった。

The drop curtain that appears in the izakaya-lined street of Omiya is the boundary between the stage and the audience, between  'Hare' and  'Ke', between the day town and the night town.The red visualised boundaries in the city call out. 'Come, come, the curtain is already open!' While asserting its role, drop curtain eventually slowly erases the boundary between the extraordinary once-every-three-years festival and Omiya's everyday life.

We were developing a work for the Saitama Triennale 2023 Citizens' Project.
We tried our hand at a performance piece that was updated during the Triennial in five taverns in the area around the east exit of Omiya Station in Saitama.The only way to appreciate all of these works was to frequent these pubs and bars during the arts festival.
Which was hard for DamaDamTal and for the audience.


Workshop and Performance

ダマダムタルの緑地劇場 『ゆめのまたゆめ』

DamaDamTal at The Green Theatre  'Dream more than a dream’



中尾第二自然緑地 Naturally green space in Nakao


'We are looking for someone who is DamaDamTal! Join us for a performance that mixes task and improvisation, the everyday and the daydream.
For example, if you fall into one of categories strangely curious about dropped objects on the street, about dreams you have when you are sleeping, about what DamaDamTal is, and your age is between 12 and 112 anyone can participate.'
Members gathered under the above slogan took part in workshops and the resulting performances were staged.

DamaDamTal cast:Akira Otauka,  Kana Murayama,Komugiko Kuriko

Everyone who took part in the workshop!

direction : MIKITAMAKI

photo : Shunya Asami

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